Legal warning

Complying with the provisions of the Organic Law 15/1999, of 13 from December, Protection of Personal Data, informs its users of the existence of an automated file of personal data created with the data obtained on its website by and for , whose purpose is information and marketing of the products offered on the page, as well as carrying out promotional and advertising activities that may be of interest to you., with the aim of expanding and improving our services by adapting our offers to your preferences or needs. The owner of the file is Ma. Antònia Casablancas Sabaté con NIF: 39023697B.

You will find all the detailed information regarding the processing of your personal data in the section “Privacy Policy”.

The user may exercise access rights, rectification, cancellation and opposition by written request addressed to the following email address: or addressed to the following postal address: Ma. Antonia Casablancas Sabaté, Ctra. Barcelona 489, 6-2 . is committed, in the use of the data included in the file, to respect your confidentiality, to use them in accordance with the purpose of the file and not to transfer them to third parties, as well as to comply with their obligation to keep them and to adopt all measures to avoid alteration, loss, unauthorized treatment or access, in accordance with the provisions of the Regulation of Security Measures for automated files containing personal data, approved by Royal Decree 994/1999, of 11 of July.

When purchasing through the website, The customer fills out a purchasing process that serves as a contract. Proof of this contract will be sent to you by e-mail to the address you have indicated*. This contract is saved in our database and is always available to the client in case they want us to send it to them again.. In the event that the purchase is made by sending an e-mail or by phone, This contract is also saved in our database and the client always has the right to request it..

*It is possible that the mail server where the customer has their email address has such a strict anti-spam policy that it does not accept our emails.. This does not mean that the contract has not been sent by mail, If not, the customer has not been able to receive it for reasons beyond the control of In this case, the customer can always claim it and ask us to send it by fax or to another email address.